Archive for the ‘Product Spotlight’ Category
Retailers are always looking for fresh ways to merchandise their stores. Fortunately there are plenty of solutions available that to help attract potential customers. Among the most popular and inexpensive ways to create visual excitement outside of stores, especially during the summer, are banners, pennants and flags. Colorful pennant strands and banners are tried and true ways to increase retail foot traffic. Currently, red, white and blue nylon flags that sport words like Sale, Welcome and Open, patriotic U.S. flag pennants, as well as buntings that fan out, are selling from at a fast clip. Customers launching or “re-launching” their stores are choosing our convenient Grand Opening Kit, which comes complete with a 36” x 36” plastic sign, 100 feet of pennant flags and two 36” fan buntings. Need more ideas? Check out our sidewalk signs, and other displays solutions at